EKEPC2-C/S EV Charging Station Controller

EKEPC2-C/S EPC EV Charge Controller

EKEPC2-C/S mode3 level 2 EPC EV Charge Controller complies with IEC61851-1 or SAEJ1772 standard and DIN EN6075 installation requirement. The output of the controller is used to connect to the AC contactor that switches on/off the load, Max current can up to 63A.

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EKEPC2-C/S EV Charging Station Controller
EKEPC2-C/S EV Charging Station Controller

EKEPC2-C/S EPC EV Charge Controller

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Product Profile

The EKEPC2 controller is Modbus-RTU protocol with RS485 communication, which can communication with controller read or write commands for charger, the controller addtional functions including: non-contact IC card connection module, residual current monitoring unit, DLB management, LCD dislay, kWH Meter, Electronic lock, external emergency stop pushbutton, etc. These function must be NOTED when ordering.

Model Preparation Meaning




Technical Data

Technical Data

Function specification

Model Specification EKEPC2-C/S
Operating voltage AC230V±10%50Hz
Output the PWM signal 10A,16A,20A,25A,32A/63A
Output control AC contactor Passive contacts
Additional connection function (optional) 1.RCMU leakage monitoring mode(AC 30mA+DC6mAmA)
2. Non-contact IC Card  3.DLB current balance mode 4. Current sensor access mode (DC+12V Output 0-5V) 5. With LCD display
Communication function (Optional) 1-way RS485 (Modbus-RTU)/RS232
2-way RS485 (Modbus-RTU)/RS232 for master slave mode
Output auxiliary voltage DC12V/100mA、DC5V/100mA
Ambient temperature -40℃ ~+70℃
Humidity ≤85%
IP degree IP22
Cooling method Natural cooling
Installation method DIN rail standard
Weight 40g
Maximum charging capacity Selection 10A, 16A,20A,25A,32A, Through the  dial swi

 Controller Features

The EKEPC2-C/S controller is a kind of product suitable for charging pile of electric vehicle.
1)Software correction instructions,such as EKEPC2
2)Maximum charging capacity indication 10A,16A,20A,25A,32A or 6A,8A,10A,13A,16AThrough the
internal dial switch (The factory default setting is 32A).
3)"C"for the cable version and"S"for the socket (without cable)version

Select controller additional functions:

Switch the DIP switch to "ON"which corresponding to the functions you need

The functions of the corresponding positions are described as
follows:In the "ON"position
1:Open LCD display function,have to connected a LCD Screen 
2:Open Dynamic Load Balance Working Mode,have to connected a
DLB current monitoring device,a RS485 communication kWH meter or Current Transformer(CT only working for single phase)
3:Socket version working mode
4:Open Function with RFID,have to connected a RFID module and RFID card
5:Open Function with Electronic Lock,should connected to a electronic lock
6:Open Function with DC6mA leakage  current protection,should connected to a RCMU
The functions of the corresponding positions are described as follows:
In the "OFF"position
1:No need for LCD Screen
2:No need for DLB function
3:Cable version working mode
4:No need for RFID function
5:No need for electronic lock function
6:No need for RCMU(DC6mA protection )function

 EKEPC2 -C/S EVSE Controller Application Case.

The following is a schematic diagram of an application case.

EKEPC2-C/S EVSE Protocol  Controller connection status

No. State
LED Color LED State PE、CP、PP state   Controller state    Remark
0   K Red 5Hz flashing Power self detect failed   Fault--1#    Power self-check failed!
   Please turn the power
   back on!
1   A Blue 1Hz flashing CP disconnection   Ready  
2   l Blue 2Hzflashing Waiting for IC card   RFID Waiting  
3   B Blue Stabilization CP connect to diode+2.7KQ   Connected  
4   B Blue Stabilization CP connect to diode+1.3KQ   Connected  
5   C Green Green brightening CP connect to diode+2.7KQ
parallel connect1.3KΩ
6   D Red Stabilization CP connect to diode+2.7KQ parallel connect 1.3KQ
parallel connect 270F
Or CP connect to diode+270R
Or CP connect to diode+270R parallel connect 2.7KQ
Or CP connect to diode+270R parallel connect 1.3KQ
  Fault--2#    Need Ventilation!
7   F Red 1Hz flashing CP line short circuit with PE line   Fault--3#    CP-PE short circuit!
   Please check the CP line
8   H Red 5 Hzflashing RCMU occurs residual current or self detect failed   Fault--4#    RCMU leakage or
   self-inspection failure
9   E Red 2Hzflashing Diode short circuit
(Requirement waiting the CP disconnected)
  Fault--5#    EV-Charing Socket Fault
10   G Blue+Red 2Hzflashing PP line disconnection   Fault--6#    SPLIT PP wire,
   Please check the PP line
11   J Red+Green+Blue 2Hzflashing Electromagnetic Lock failed   Fault--7#    Electronic Lock Disabled
12   L Blue 5Hzflashing IC card failed   Fault--8#    RFID card is not valid
13   M Red+Green 1Hzflashing Circuit overload,DLB Mode activated   Fault--9#    Circuit overload
   DLB Mode activated

EKEPC2-C/S EV Charge Controller RS485 communication description
Modbus communication protocol, baud rate: 9600, 8, n, 1 Address: 1-255 Default: 255 (broadcast address)

Register address Data description (power failure protection) (R/W) type of data Defaults
86 Overvoltage protection value (0.01V) R/W 16-bit integer  26500
87 Under-voltage protection (0.01V) R/W 16-bit integer  16500
88 Overcurrent protection value (XX%) R/W 16-bit integer  120
89 Remote start and stop (0 invalid, 1 start, 2 stop) R/W 16-bit integer  0
90 1# Meter A-phase voltage address number (65535 is an invalid address) R/W 16-bit integer  65535
91 1# Meter B-phase voltage address number (65535 is an invalid address) R/W 16-bit integer  65535
92 1# Meter C-phase voltage address number (65535 is an invalid address) R/W 16-bit integer  65535
93 1# total current address number (65535 is an invalid address) R/W 16-bit integer  65535
94 1# total power address number (65535 is an invalid address) R/W 16-bit integer  65535
95 1# Total KWH address number (65535 is an invalid address) R/W 16-bit integer  65535
96 2# DLB current address of the meter (65535 is an invalid address) R/W 16-bit integer  65535
97-99 spare R/W 16-bit integer  0
100 Device address number R/W 16-bit integer  255
101 DLB maximum startup current (0.01A) R/W 16-bit integer  3500
102 DLB maximum protection current (0.01A) R/W 16-bit integer  4500
103 Maximum current of DLB current transformer (0.01A) R/W 16-bit integer  10000
104 DLB current sampling calibration coefficient R/W 16-bit integer  1270
105-108 spare R/W    
109 Max Output Current  PWM Duty cycle(*100) R/W 16-bit integer  9000
110 RCMU function selection 0 disable 1 enable, other values are selected by DIP switch R/W 16-bit integer  3
111 RFID function selection 0 disable 1 enable, other values are selected by DIP switch R/W 16-bit integer  3
112 Lock function selection 0 disable 1 enable, other values are selected by DIP switch R/W 16-bit integer  3
113 Cable function version selection 0 disable 1 enable, other values are selected by DIP switch R/W 16-bit integer  3
114 DLB function selection 0 disable 1 enable, other values are selected by DIP switch R/W 16-bit integer  3
115 PID control parameter P of DLB R/W 16-bit integer  100
116 PID control parameter I of DLB R/W 16-bit integer  1
117 PID control parameter D of DLB R/W 16-bit integer  100
118-119 Controller ID number Up to 9 digits R/W 32-bit integer  0
120 Temperature correction (how much difference is input) H R/W 16-bit integer  1024
121   R/W 16-bit integer  0
122 Release temperature protection value R/W 16-bit integer  600
123 Maximum temperature protection value R/W 16-bit integer  700
124 Frequency correction (how much difference is input) R/W 16-bit integer  65528
125 Duty cycle correction (how much difference is input) R/W 16-bit integer  0
126 Trademark selection 0 none 1WATT 2VOLU R/W 16-bit integer  0
127 Pole selection: 1P 3P Default: 1 R/W 16-bit integer  1
128 The first gear current setting value PWM R/W 16-bit integer  1667
129 The second gear current setting value PWM R/W 16-bit integer  2167
130 The third gear current setting value PWM R/W 16-bit integer  3333
131 The Fourth gear current setting value PWM R/W 16-bit integer  4167
132 The Fifth gear current setting value PWM R/W 16-bit integer  5333
133 The sixth gear current setting value PWM R/W 16-bit integer  5333
134-139 spare R/W    
140 Software version number R 16-bit integer  1002
141 Current working status: Corresponding status 0-11 R 16-bit integer   
142 PWM value for cable gauge R 16-bit integer   
143 RCMU status 00 is not selected 01 works normally 02 self-test failed 03 charging circuit has leakage R 16-bit integer   
144 RFID status 00 Not selected 01 IC card not operating 02 IC card closed 03 IC card open R 16-bit integer   
145 RFID status 00 Not selected 01 IC card not operating 02 IC card closed 03 IC card open R 16-bit integer   
146 Current value of the DLB function R 16-bit integer   
147 Current value of charging pile 0-200.0A R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
148 Current voltage value of charging pile) 0-500.0V R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
149 Current power value of charging pile 0-22000W R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
150 Calibration value AD value of reference current R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
151 PWM duty cycle corresponding to the current set by the rotary switch R 16-bit integer   
152 Current output PWM duty cycle R 16-bit integer   
153 CP positive voltage R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
154 CP negative voltage R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
155 Overcurrent count R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
156 Small current count R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
157 Current Temperature R 16-bit integer   
158 temperature AD R 16-bit integer  temporarily invalid
159 1# meter A phase voltage R 16-bit integer   
160 1# meter B phase voltage R 16-bit integer   
161 1# meter C phase voltage R 16-bit integer   
162 1# meter current R 16-bit integer   
163 1# total power of the meter R 16-bit integer   
164-165 1# The total electricity of the meter R 32-bit integer   
166 2# The current on the DLB meter R 16-bit integer   

Note: 1) Register address: 90-95 register value is: a) =65535, this time the address is invalid, all data will be in accordance with the controller set value to display and judge. b) = When the external communication address is 1, the controller will read the corresponding value in the meter. See Table 1 below

If the DLB function is enabled and register 96 data is a) =65535, the controller will read the sampling value of the external current transformer. b) = Register number of current value in the ammeter with external communication address 2, the controller will read the current value in the ammeter. See Table 1 below

Table 1:

  1. ADL200 or ADL400 meter, communication protocol Modbus-RTU 9600, n,8,1; Address number: 01H
Name Addr(Dec) Length Property Type Controller address
L 1 phase voltage 2304 4 Float R 90
L 2 phase voltage 2306/65535 4 Float R 91
L 3 phase voltage 2308/65535 4 Float R 92
L 1 phase current 2310 4 Float R  
L 2 phase current 2312/65535 4 Float R  
L 3 phase current 2314/65535 4 Float R  
Average current Jun-18 4 Float R 93
Sum of three-phase current 2320 4 Float R  
Total active power 2322 4 Float R 94
L1-2 line voltage 2324 4 Float R  
L1-2 line voltage 2326 4 Float R  
L1-2 line voltage 2328 4 Float R  
Three-phase line voltage average 2330 4 Float R  
There is always power 2332 4 Float R 95


  1. ADL200 or ADL400 meter, communication protocol Modbus-RTU 9600, n,8,1; Address number: 02H
    Name Addr(Dec) Length Property Type Controller address
    Average current 2318 4 Float R 96
    Maximum current 2334 4 Float R 96


           Table 2:

  1. SDM120M/SDM73, Communication protocol Modbus-RTU 9600, n,8,1; Address number: 01H
    Name Addr(Dec) Length Property Type Controller address
    L 1 phase voltage 0 4 Float R 90
    L 2 phase voltage 2 4 Float R 91
    L 3 phase voltage 4 4 Float R 92
    L 1 phase current 6 4 Float R  
    L 2 phase current 8 4 Float R  
    L 3 phase current 10 4 Float R  
     Average voltage 42 4 Float R  
    Average current 46 4 Float R 93
    Sum of three-phase current 48 4 Float R  
    Total active power 52 4 Float R 94
    L1-2 line voltage 200 4 Float R  
    L1-2 line voltage 202 4 Float R  
    L1-2 line voltage 204 4 Float R  
    Three-phase line voltage average 2.6 4 Float R  
    There is always power 342 4 Float R 95
  2. SDM120M/SDM73 meter, communication protocol Modbus-RTU 9600, n,8,1; Address number: 02H
Name Addr(Dec) Length Property Type Controller address
Average current Jun-46 4 Float R 96
Max. current 396 4 Float R 96

EKEPC2-C/S Communication Message Example:DLB Maximum Current Change

Change the maximum current set in DLB to 60.00A (6000) and register address number to 102(66H):

The upper computer sends: FF 06 00 66 17 70 72 1F

Address + Function code + start address number high level + Start address number low level + data high level + data low level +CRC check

Controller replies: FF 06 00 66 17 70 72 1F


Address + Function code + start address number high level + Start address number low level + data high level + data low level +CRC check

3.2  Read the device SN (2022010158-- 7885 6D2E) :

Upper computer send: FF 03 00 76 00 02 30 0F

Controller reply: FF 03 04 (6D 2E 78 85) 7A FA

For other packet formats, see Modbus International Communication Protocol Standard.


Terminai function speficification

S/No. Mark function Specification
1 L Live line Product working power supply:AC230V±10%50Hz
2 N Neutral line
3 P1 Relay/contactor Al connect to L
P1connect to N
AC contactor connected to the connection load of charging station
4 P2 Relay coil A2
5 FB Reflect signal of the
electromagnetic lock
This is the feeback signal on the electromagnetic lock directly to the passive contact output terminal of the electromagnetic lock
7 MH Electromagnetic lock positive voltage Provide positive and negative pulse voltage of electromagnetic lock,duty cycle outputpulse(1:3)and total pulse output maximum driving capacity of 500ms
8 ML Electromagnetic lock negative voltage
9 +5V DC+5V External indicatorlight,DC5V/10mA drive capability
10 RED Red LED
11 GRE Blue LED
12 BLU Green LED
 13 TST
   RCMU fault signal(DC5V),
   output terminal
  When the controller detects this end signal,means this line occur fault (including≥DC6mA eakage signal),the controller will cut off the charging power,untill this fault signal is solved,the controller will automatic resumes the charging state
 14 FLT    RCMU test signal(DC5V),   The controller outputs the test signal before each charging,using to check that the working ot
 15 +5V    the input terminal   the RCMU whether normal
 16 RFID    RFID-controlied input signal   The signal of external non-contact IC card reading module,input is TTL voltage signal,DC 3.3V/5V
 17 CT1    Current transformer   When the controller requires DLB function,it requires connect to current transformer signal,the
  signal is:AC0-5A.This function can dynamically balance the power load,adjust the outputin time,
  control the charging current,and protect the safety of the power supply line
 18 CT2
 19 PE    Power supply   Earth terminal
 20 CP    Connect to the vehicle CP   Communication connection with electric vehicle,output PWM wave
 21 PP    Charging cable current
  When this end is a socket type charging station,
  t identify the current specification of charging cable
 22 +5V    +5VPower Supply   Supply DC5V/100mA power output
 23 A+    A+for RS485 Communications   It can communicate with RS485 equipment.The communication standard conforms to
  Modbus-RTU slave mode.Baud rate:38400,N,8,1 address number default:255(Broadcast address)
  See Table A for details
 24 B-    B-for RS485 Communications

EKEPC2-C/S EV Charge Controller Wiring

Single Phase Wiring

Three Phase Wiring

Wiring instructions

Rated Current Main Circuit Cable   Controller Circuit Cable  PP/CP Cable
16A 2.5 mm² 1.5 mm² 0.5 mm²
32A 6 mm² 1.5 mm² 0.5 mm²


Overall dimension(mm)

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